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Main Website Launched And Other Exciting Updates!

About. Damn. Time.
Main Website Launched And Other Exciting Updates!

Welcome back to Climate Ingenuity’s newsletter. In this edition, I’m breaking from my book recap series to make some overdue announcements on how this whole project has been progressing. Enjoy!

Main Website is Finally Up

After nearly two years of building up the Climate Policy Resource Stockpile but without a website to showcase it, I managed to get it up just in time for Aspen Ideas: Climate (more on that later). It includes links for all 125+ materials neatly presented in gallery form, with a whopping 23 total filters available by format, sector, scale, and knowledge level. If for example, you’re specifically interested in publications covering the national transportation sector at an intermediate level, you’ll find ones that help you learn about said topic!

Simply put, there’s something in it for everyone even remotely interested in climate policy, so I hope this proves to be the type of groundbreaking platform that can inform effective action in the space for years to come. Shoutout to the guy I met at a networking event who first encouraged me to create the site myself using no code software, and to my advisor Vamsi Sistla for having my back throughout this whole process.

Supporting Policymakers in Miami and DC

Back in March, I was fortunate enough to attend Aspen Ideas: Climate in Miami Beach for the second straight year. While the top focus was still of course learning as much as I could from the mainstage and panel sessions, it was very gratifying to be able to share what I’ve built in context during my conversations with others in the space. That was especially true for current policymakers since they’re the audience group I’ve been most wanting to support beyond just voting and constituent meetings.

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